
Scholarship or Merit Award Application Process
- Download and complete the application form;
- In order to qualify for a need-based scholarship you must have applied for financial aid with the University;
- Merit Awards do not have financial aid requirements;
- Please direct any questions about the application process to the General Manager, Kathy Ciesinski at [email protected]
- The deadline to apply for Academic Year 2022-2023 has passed.
Chris Parks Scholarship Need-based Scholarship that supports a Michigan Daily writer based upon quality of work over twelve months and financial need. Established in 2004 in memory of Christopher Parks, a co-EIC of The Daily in 1973-74. |
Class of 1998 Fund Need-based Scholarship supporting Michigan Daily student reporters and editors in good standing. Preference is given to students with a demonstrated interest in a career in journalism or mass communications. |
Hermanoff Scholarship Need-based scholarship to be awarded to a Michigan Daily edit or business staff, established by former Michigan Daily business manager Michael Hermanoff ('62) and his wife, Sandra. |
Gottesman Scholarship Need- and merit-based scholarship to be awarded to the editorial staff of the Michigan Daily, established by Andrew Gottesman, Daily alumnus, in honor of his parents Harold and Barbara Gottesman. |
Wendy Owen Memorial Scholarship Provides scholarship support to freshman, sophomore, or junior Michigan Daily editorial staff member(s) whose contributions to the university community have been soundly constructive and who have a demonstrated financial need. |
Student Publications Need-Based Scholarship Provides support for Publications-affiliated students, based on financial need |
Petersen-Fineberg Scholarship Based upon need and merit, supports sophomore, junior or senior business or edit staff member(s) who have performed their duties meritoriously. This scholarship honors two Daily men who served in the armed forces during World War II and gave their life in battle, Carl Petersen and Mel Fineberg. |
Michigan Daily Scholarship Provides support for The Michigan Daily staff. |
Michigan Daily Honors Scholarship Established by a Daily alumni, to support Michigan Daily sophomores & juniors, of the Edit Staff who are also in LS&A Honors Program. |
Kavi Shekhar Pandey Arts Writer Scholarship
Established in 2016 in memory of beloved former Daily arts writer and editor, Kavi Shekhar Pandey ('12), for non-senior arts staff of the Daily with an outstanding work ethic. |
Bill Alterman Sports Writer Scholarship
Established in 2016 in memory of beloved former Daily sports writer editor, Bill Alterman ('73), by his family, to support non-senior Sports writers for the Daily. |
Stanford Lipsey Endowed Scholarships Established by The Michigan Daily and Michiganensian alumnus photographer Stanford Lipsey, need-based scholarships for students who are sophomores of juniors, involved in any of the student publications enterprises. |
Naweed Sikora Merit Award Merit award that provides support for any Michigan Daily writer who has worked for the Daily for at least two semesters. Established in memory of Naweed, a former sports editor who wrote philosophical columns about the nature of sports. He graduated from UM in 2000 with a finance degree from the business school, and tragically passed away at the age of 27 from cancer in 2009. |
Ray O’Hara Award in Sports Writing at The Michigan Daily Merit Award supports any Daily sports staff member with an investigative, ethical style that exhibits candor, a search for truth, and a sense of humor. |
Ken Fink Michigan Daily Photojournalism Award The Ken Fink Award Fund supports an annual prize to a Daily staff photographer who demonstrates creativity, humor, spontaneity, originality, and technical mastery. The fund was established as a memorial to Ken Fink, Daily photographer, Photo Editor and Arts & Food Editor from 1972 through 1977 by a group of his college newspaper friends in 1999. |
Stanford Lipsey Merit Awards Created and named in honor of Stanford Lipsey, former Michigan Daily and Michiganensian photographer and a great supporter of Student Publications, there are three annual merit awards given out: The Stanford Lipsey Journalism Award for Investigative Reporting; The Stanford Lipsey Journalism Award for Public Service Reporting; and The Stanford Lipsey Journalism Award for Photographic or Multimedia Storytelling. |
Brentlinger Award for Business or Editorial Writing Merit award established in memory of Paul Brentlinger, a Daily city editor in the late 1940s, by his children, in support of Michigan Daily business or editorial writers. |
Rick Freeman Memorial Merit Award Established in memory of Rick Freeman by his wife Aino Wheler and fellow Daily alum, Jennifer Yachnin. Rick was a beloved managing sports editor at the Daily (1999) who went on to work at the AP sports desk in NY, and passed away at age 40, in 2017. This award recognizes a rising junior or senior member of The Michigan Daily staff who has worked at the Daily for at least one semester, and can demonstrate an enthusiasm for news-gathering, friendship, or life in general. |