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Introducing our 2021 Business Manager, Tara Moore!

Tara Moore, Business Manager of The Michigan Daily, is a junior studying Information Analysis within the School of Information and minoring in Business Administration through the Ross School of Business. She joined The Michigan Daily after stumbling upon a Facebook post from 2020 BM, Anita Michaud, at the end of her freshman year while looking to get involved in a business-oriented role on campus.
During the academic year, Tara has been a Senior Account Executive and Marketing and Strategy Specialist. In the summer of 2020, she co-led the Summer Research Committee ultimately resulting in the proposal that MDesk voted in support of in the Fall. Tara has loved her time working with everyone on Business and Edit and has made so many amazing friends. She is looking forward to getting to know more people within TMD and watching the organization grow.
As Business Manager, Tara hopes to bring the Daily towards a more prosperous financial situation through the development of a long-lasting strategy to keep The Daily afloat through the economic uncertainties of the pandemic and beyond. Another goal of hers is to continue to strengthen Edit-Business relations during the next year.
Tara is a first-generation American whose parents immigrated from Turkey and Ireland. She currently lives in New Jersey. In the upcoming summer of 2021, she will be a Summer Financial Analyst at American Express.
Tara is excited to see all of the amazing work that the Daily does this year, and hopes to be back in the Stanford Lipsey Student Publications Building, at 420 Maynard Street, soon.