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Emma Stein: Summer 2020 EIC of the Daily

Our Summer 2020 EIC Emma Stein joined the Daily on a whim her sophomore year looking for something else to do on campus. Now, as a rising senior, studying PoliSci and Program in the Environment, she realizes, “I probably spent more time in the newsroom than my own house last year.”
From being a shy ‘newsbie’ who sat silently in the corner when she came back to the Daily to write her first trial stories, “too afraid to talk to sources at events because they looked busy,” Emma says she has come a long way and has grown tremendously as a journalist, a collaborator, a leader, and as a person, thanks to her time at The Michigan Daily.
This summer has been even more growth-inducing for Emma, who has been the editor in chief, running the paper from the comfort of her own home in Los Angeles –– 2,252 miles from campus. (But who’s counting?) While she desperately misses late nights in the Madigan newsroom, she’s glad she gets to continue the Daily’s mission of serving and informing the Ann Arbor community, especially during a summer like this.
Emma is extremely proud of what the Daily has accomplished throughout COVID-19 restrictions. Each section of the paper has adapted seamlessly to working from home, and fearlessly tackled all areas of coronavirus coverage, the Black Lives Matter movement, and systemic racism.
During the academic year, she serves as a senior news editor for the administration and crime beats and enjoys covering protests, interviewing Schlissel, and accidentally texting University sources during special occasions (birthdays, holidays, weddings) and getting scolding responses. Emma is no longer afraid to bug people. In fact, she quite likes it.