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Meet Finn Storer - 2019 Daily Managing Editor

Finn Storer, Managing Editor of The Michigan Daily, is a junior studying Public Policy at the Ford School at U-M and is also involved in the Michigan Active Citizen-Alternative Spring Break program. In 2018, Finn served as Copy Chief, earning him the 2018 Nancy Bylan Bratman Copy Editing Award.
"The copy editors are the unsung heroes of this paper,” Storer said. “We have to nitpick and fact check and critique every little detail. It was a steep learning curve, but I came away with a super-detailed mindset.”
As Copy Chief, he spent hours in the newsroom late into the night. "But seeing a paper the following day made it worth it,” Storer said. “The Bratman award was icing on the cake. I felt my efforts had been recognized, because as a copy editor, it’s tough to see your accomplishments when you don’t create content like other sections. I’m so thankful to have received such an honor.”
Finn says The Daily has become his favorite place on campus, something he highlighted in his confirmation meeting for Managing Editor.
“It probably sounded a bit cheesy during the moment, but when I was being confirmed as Managing Editor, I said I felt my spirits instantly lifted when I come toThe Daily,” Storer said. “Here, I feel myself creating a tangible thing every single night, and I’m doing it with my friends. You can’t ask for more.”