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Congratulations CMA Pinnacle Award Winners!

The College Media Association held its Pinnacle Award ceremony at the annual ACP/CMA conference on the weekend of Oct. 25-28th, 2018 and The Michigan Daily took home an armful of trophies - the first time they have applied to this competition. They garnered two 1st Place awards (Best Sports Game by Story by Mike Persak, co-managing sports editor, which included some phenomenal photography by Katelyn Mulcahy, co-managing editor for the photo desk, & Best Sports Investigative Story by Hunter Sharf); 2nd Place for Best Sports Columnist - Betelhem Ashame, co-MSE; 3rd Place Best Newspaper Sports Page/Spread by Jack Silberman; two Honorable Mentions (Best Sports Section, & Best Newspaper Feature Page/Spread for UM's Bicentennial issue cover designed by Michelle Phillips.) Congratulations to our top-notch team! Over 2600 total individual category entries were submitted from 320 colleges and universities, so the competition was tough.