Comments from Fred Shippey

Standing outside our SHOW DAILY press room office at Photokina 2008 in Cologne, Germany.

I started taking photos for the Daily the summer of 1957 and for the next 4 years or so took photos for the Daily and/or Ensian. I received both a BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from Michigan. Following graduate school in 1971, I went to work for Kodak. When I left Kodak in 1993, I started a new career as a technical writer and consultant covering the rapidly developing digital imaging marketplace. Since then, I've written about digital imaging for a variety of publications worldwide.

I've posted a few photos on the web that might be of interest to Michigan viewers:

Photos of then-Sen. John F. Kennedy during his October 1960 visit to Ann Arbor. As far as I know, I was the only one covering the visit who was shooting color transparency film. After his 2 AM speech, he stayed at Union and later that day drove to the Ann Arbor train station where he gave a short speech from a round-backed train car. When I gave the original images to the J F Kennedy Library in 1987, they were especially interested in the train station images because as far as they knew he hadn't made any whistle-stop speeches during the campaign. It's hard to believe the 50th anniversary of the visit is coming up this October! The Kennedy Library has the full set of original images while the U of M Bentley Historical Library has a set of duplicates.


Photos of the dedication of the renovated Student Publication Building in October 2007.